Who is a candidate for Arm Lift / Brachiplasty?
People who:
Intended Result
There are a variety of techniques to chose from, so choosing the best approach for each patient’s particular needs is the no. 1 priority of the plastic surgeon. Each patient is unique in terms of skin laxity and other factors. Patients may benefit from one or a combination of the following techniques:
An incision from the fold of the elbow to the Axilla, or Armpit, yields dramatic improvement. This approach is frequently combined with liposuction to eliminate stubborn fat pockets and loose skin. Most Arm lift - Brachioplasty candidates choose this method.
Patients with some skin elasticity remaining may opt for LIPOSUCTION Surgery only. An advantage to this approach is that scarring is minimal. The right candidate can expect significant improvement, but not as dramatic as when skin is removed as well.
A Mini Arm Lift is an option for patients with excess skin in the uppermost portion of the arm, and for those concerned about scarring. In this case, I make an incision in the armpit, sometimes extending a 6-8 cm down the arm.
Upper arm skin is thin and sags over time. Some people lose so much elasticity that skin hangs down from their armpits as well, causing embarrassment and difficulty with clothing. These patients are candidates for a combination Arm / Armpit Lift with incisions on the upper arm and in the Armpit.
A smaller group of patients have loose skin above and below the elbow. These men and women benefit from an arm and elbow lift. Great care needs to be taken with the incision across the elbow to remove excess skin while preserving range of motion.
Procedure Description
Recuperation and Healing
Other Options
Additional cosmetic procedures that would enhance the results are:
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