Lipomas are commonly found in adults from 30 to 55 years of age, but can also be found in teenagers and children.
Sources claim that malignant transformation can occur in Lipomas , but chances are very low.
Who is a candidate for Lipoma Surgery?
- Patient with Lipoma / Multiple Lipomas should be medically fit before undergoing Surgery esp. when it is under general Anesthesia.
- Usually we ask patients to undergo surgery when there is pain in Lipoma, sudden increase in size of Lipoma or When a Lipoma looks Cosmetically ugly.
- Most patients do this for Cosmetic Purpose.
Intended Result
- Relief from uneven bumpy skin.
Procedure Description
- The Lipoma Operation is done under sedation or Local Anesthesia.
- All Lipomas removed through very small incisions.
Recuperation and Healing
- All sutures are usually Intra Dermal & don't require removal. On skin usually we apply Skin Glue.
- Initial mild discomfort is easily controlled with oral pain medication.
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